Sunday, June 29, 2008

Multiple Trades

The concept of baretering is not just limited to two parties. Bartering can happen with multiple parties. For example if one person has or is able to acquire an item or service of value that another desires, acting like a middle man to acquire this item or service for trade of equal value. This is when building relationships comes into play.

Networking is the most important element of bartering, this is something can't be stressed enough. Everyone has something of value. This can range from common items such as CDs, DVDs, video games, cell phones, clothes, and household items to professional and medical services. Anything can be bartered.

This concept of multiple trades is made up of a network of bareters. The trust is built on the level of service offered as well as integrity of the item and service traded. Remember just because an item or service is out of reach, doesn’t mean someone else can't acquire the item or service for you.

Build a strong network and barter!

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