Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bareter Included In A Business Plan

Has anyone included bartering in a business plan?

I think it's important to have if you are start-up with limited or no capital.

When I was freelancing, I found myself bartering to gain clients and trade for services, such as advertising and chiropractic and massage therapy. I understand a business plan is meant to keep track of high level goals, objectives and to show venture capital investors. When bartering is included in in a business plan, it shows that an business owner is willing to make concessions to grow the business without sacrificing its integrity. Including bartering in a business plan can also cut cost on important services, such as advertising, marketing and some overhead cost. This can be most effective with the proper networks and relationships.

There can be two business plans one detailed one for personal business records and a high level one for venture capital investors. This is help keep focus on short and long term business goals. The plan can be updated to reflect the growth and progress of the business. What most important is to achieve business goals in the most economical way to raise capital to further the business, see a ROI to invest back in the business and profit to build a trusting staff to run the business.

If it makes sense to barter to grow, then by all means do so.

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