Monday, April 21, 2008

What is Bartering?

This is one question I've always asked myself. What is bartering? Is it simple or complex or both? In my not so professional opinion, it's both depending on the parties involved. If I'm to develop a business around this concept then I have know what does it mean and where it comes from.

Bartering, baretering (Anglo-French) or barater (Old-French) was an exchange of goods between two parties; this started in the 15th century, well as far back as history can prove, but maybe I’m wrong. This was meant to be an active exchange, to do or conduct business transactions. Bartering was a system was used to measure the economic wealth of a community or country when the monetary system failed. Eventually money became the new way to barter to build a sound economic structure, but we all know how true that is today.

One problem with bartering is that it was only beneficial to the parties involved when they each had something of value the other wanted; hence the reason why money became mighty. Everyone wanted to have money to show their value in the community, then it lead to greed, selfishness, power, etc., etc.

To downplay the true worth of bartering, over the centuries it was devalued.
Eventually bartering became well know as swapping, exchanging goods or services or simply trading.
People across the world barter every day, unconsciously. A few examples of that maybe when you ask someone to do you a simple favor or task, borrow money and many other daily task. When you exchange a service or good for something in return, it’s bartering.

There is great power in bartering and should be used more often. I think it provides an equal playing field so-to-speak. I think of bartering as an honor system, i.e. you have want I need or want and vice versa, let's do business. Bartering is an art form, like bargaining, i.e. I'll trade you this if you give me a more of those. Bartering is not seeing the short term effects or results, but the bigger picture and developing a relationship with a new business partner. This is a valuable skill to have as an entrepreneur or business owner, especially if you are just starting out.

Now that I or we have a better understanding of what bartering is, let's use it wisely to create a better world to live in!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Going Back to The Old Way of Doing Business

I would first like to thank you all for visiting this blog and taking the time to read it.

I've finally succumb to the ever popular blogging. I never really understood what to say or share. Now that I am on the verge of launching a social networking site for small business owners and entrepreneurs, I have plenty to say. I have two great partners, who I’m proud to call friends. There is a bond of synergistic energy between us.

The purpose of the site is to help small business owners and entrepreneurs grow their business by the exchange or trading of services, posting jobs wanted and even enlisting the help of interns. This site was built by serial entrepreneurs for other self starters.

Most enterprisers in the beginning often have to trade business services to build a clientele list, promote services and even advertise. Being a entrepreneur myself, I've done all the above successfully. I understand the difficulty of accomplishing such small task when you are one person or even in a partnership. The rewards are great, but at what sacrifice, lack of sleep, increased stressed, uncompromising relationships, and a host of other event or elements to wear on the mind, body and energy. This was one of the sole reasons for creating Smart Bareter, set to launch in Spring of '08.

Smart Bareter is gong back to the old way of doing business, hence the Anglo French spelling of bareter. The mission or this site is to ease the daily burden of creating and establishing a business by building relationships across the world. Each entrepreneur has global aspirations and we are just making it easier for that dream of working from home and having your own business.

About 90% of the United States businesses is made up of small businesses.We have the power and reach to truly be the new voice of this nation to change, been seen and heard. No matter what it is you do or plan on doing, it will be accomplished. We are united through one common goal and purpose, with individual thoughts and ideas.

Help, learn and grow!